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Selim Fırat







Imagine Corld as your personal storyteller, designed to be the OnlyFans or Instagram subscription of today. It's not just an app; it's a canvas for your journeys, whether they're private moments or public adventures—a travel diary, a concert experience, or simply a cherished moment. Corld is more than just a social media app; it's your platform to craft unique narratives about yourself. Think of it as a space to share your stories, your way. While the product is still in the coding phase, we're working tirelessly to bring your storytelling dreams to life. Stay tuned for an experience that's all about you, your journeys, and the connections you make along the way.



My Role:

Lead UI/UX Designer



Service Provided:

Product Design, Art Direction, Team Management, Mobile Application, Social Media

Three screens of the mobile app



Even though you are only interested in your friend’s travel adventures, unwillingly you see their children or the latte they are having on your feed as well, simply because you are forced to follow their whole profile.


Follow a Journey, not a Profile! Since, now, your friend can separate different aspects of their life into different Journeys, you can dodge the children’s photos by following only their Travel Journey.



Maybe, you don’t want your work buddies to see what you’ve been up to during your vacation time. However, once you upload your photos and videos, they are visible to everyone.


Create a Private Journey for your vacation! You can hide it from your colleagues while still making your friends and family jealous.

A screenshot of the app's home screen


Leadership and Collaboration:

  • Leading and inspiring a team to foster effective collaboration and manage project timelines.

  1. Strategic Management Practices:

    • Implementing strategic management practices to create a cohesive and innovative work environment.

  2. Web Design and UI Expertise:

    • Crafting visually captivating and intuitive interfaces with expertise in web design and user interface design.

  3. User-Centric Approaches:

    • Utilizing user-centric approaches to develop comprehensive user personas, compelling user stories, and well-defined user experience designs (UED).

  4. Prototyping with Figma:

    • Using industry-standard tools like Figma to create high-fidelity user interface prototypes.

  5. User Experience Testing:

    • Conducting rigorous user experience testing on prototypes to refine the product and align it with user expectations.

  6. User Scenarios and Journeys:

    • Meticulously analyzing user scenarios and mapping user journeys to optimize the application's usability and facilitate smooth interactions.

  7. Knowledge of UX Principles:

    • Applying comprehensive knowledge of user experience (UX) principles and methodologies.

  8. Delivery of Impactful Design Solutions:

    • Consistently delivering impactful design solutions that surpass user needs and expectations.

These processes collectively represent the UI/UX designer's multifaceted role in leading teams, employing strategic practices, designing visually appealing interfaces, and ensuring a user-centric approach throughout the design and testing phases.

Two screenshots of the app's home & filter screens


I led a team in designing a modern and trendy user interface with UI elements that are still in vogue. It was crucial to collaborate with teammates to ensure a successful project. As the Lead Designer, we developed a detailed atomic design system and deliverable files to streamline onboarding for developers. The result checked all the boxes – it's fun, easy, modern, trendy, and centered around user experience.